Footprinting Nikto Basics

Footprinting Nikto Basics

Footprinting is the process of gathering information about a target system or network in order to identify vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. Nikto is a popular web server scanner used for this purpose. Here are some basics about using Nikto for footprinting:

1. Installing Nikto: Nikto is a command-line tool that can be installed on most Linux and Unix-based systems. To install Nikto, you can use the package manager of your operating system or download it from the official Nikto website.

2. Running Nikto: Once Nikto is installed, you can run it from the command line by typing "nikto" followed by the target web server's URL or IP address. For example: "nikto -h"

3. Basic Scan Options: Nikto has a number of options that can be used to customize the scan. Some basic options include:

-h: specify the target host
-p: specify the target port
-ssl: enable SSL scanning
-o: specify the output file for the scan results

4. Analyzing the Scan Results: After the scan is complete, Nikto will generate a report of its findings. The report will include a list of vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors that were identified. It's important to carefully analyze these results and take appropriate action to address any identified vulnerabilities.

5. Advanced Scan Options: Nikto also has advanced options that can be used to customize the scan in more detail. For example, you can specify the type of web server being scanned or disable certain checks. To view a full list of Nikto options, type "nikto -help" in the command line.

It's important to note that Nikto should only be used on web servers that you have permission to scan. Using Nikto on unauthorized systems can result in legal consequences.

Footprinting Nikto Basics

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