Demonstration detecting unauthorized traffic using Wireshark

Demonstration detecting unauthorized traffic using Wireshark

Wireshark is a popular network protocol analyzer that allows you to capture and analyze network traffic. It can be used to detect unauthorized traffic on a network by analyzing the captured packets.

Here are some steps you can follow to detect unauthorized traffic using Wireshark:

1. Capture packets: Start Wireshark and select the network interface that you want to capture traffic on. Click on the "Start" button to begin capturing packets.

2. Filter traffic: Use Wireshark's filtering capabilities to narrow down the captured traffic to a specific protocol or set of IP addresses that you are interested in monitoring.

3. Look for anomalies: Examine the traffic for any anomalies, such as large amounts of traffic from a specific IP address or unusual protocol usage. This may indicate unauthorized traffic.

4. Analyze packet payloads: Analyze the payloads of packets to see if they contain any sensitive information or are attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in the network.

5. Check for unusual behavior: Look for any unusual behavior, such as connections to suspicious websites or services that are not authorized on the network.

6. Follow up on suspicious traffic: If you identify any suspicious traffic, investigate further to determine the source of the traffic and take appropriate action to block it.

It's important to note that detecting unauthorized traffic using Wireshark is only one aspect of network security. It's essential to have a comprehensive security plan in place that includes network segmentation, access controls, and regular vulnerability assessments.

Demonstration detecting unauthorized traffic using Wireshark

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