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  • Network Monitor in a Box
      • Network Monitor in a Box

      • Network Monitor in a Box - Proactive Security for the Next Generation

CyberSecurity Simulator

SecurityBox - Simu

      • CyberSecurity Training Simulator

      • Cyber Security Training Simulator Kit Trains and Protects from all Cybersecurity Threats

Cyber Security in a Box


      • CyberSecurity Box

      • The Cyber Security Box - Stop all Cybersecurity Threats in one Single Device

Cyber Crimes in current world has become more advanced and sophisticated and would continue growing exponentially as more and more devices are getting connected online over time. Whether we look past 5 years or go beyond today 5 years, we continue to remain vulnerable to 90% of total Cyber crimes which are self-generated, though this could be minimized to zero if we would have taken care to deal with overcoming the attacks generating from within the organisation. There are two reasons for this : Firstly due to ignorance and secondly due to bad intent. Our hardware kit supported with valuable tools would slash down such disasters to zero through proper training and protection. CyberSecurity Training Simulation helps re-enforce teams with the know-how to combat cyber threats and a wonderful assessment platform to generate competence among online users. SecurityBox is a CyberSecurity in a box solution providing complete isolation from public network. A box with usb 5v connection, and its done! while SecurityBox - NetMon is for small and medium businesses to help monitor security in real-time. It helps to customize both IT and non-IT devices for monitoring so that regular updates can be received in times of failure and mal-practices.