CIU Certified Vulnerability Analyst
Course Modules
“Vulnerability Analysis – Part 1
Section 1: Introduction (Free Preview)
Introduction – Welcome to Python For Ethical Hacking
Introduction – VirtualBox 6.0.4 Installation
Introduction – Kali Linux 2019.1a Installation
Introduction – Guest Additions Installation
Introduction – Python In Kali Terminal
Section 2: Python Basics (Free Preview)
Topic 1. Variables
Topic 2. Raw_input
Topic 3. IF ELSE Statement
Topic 4. FOR Loop
Topic 5. WHILE Loop
Topic 6. Python Lists
Topic 7. Functions
Topic 8. Classes
Topic 9. Importing Libraries
Topic 10. Files in Python
Topic 11. Try and Except Rule
Section 3: Port And Vulnerability Scanner Coding
Making Simple Portscanner
Adding Raw_input To Our Portscanner
Scanning First 1000 Ports
Coding Advance Portscanner Part 1
Coding Advance Portscanner Part 2
Finishing And Testing Advance Portscanner
Configuring IP Address And Installing Metasploitable
Returning Banner From Open Port
Coding Vulnerability Scanner Part 1
Coding Vulnerability Scanner Part 2
Section 4: Automating SSH Login
Automating SSH Login Part 1
Automating SSH Login Part 2
Testing SSH Login Program
Section 5: Network Analysis
Analyzing Ethernet Header
Analyzing IP Header Part 1
Analyzing IP Header Part 2
Analyzing TCP Header
Analyzing UDP Header
“Vulnerability Analysis – Part 2
Section 1: Introduction
Vulnerability Analysis
Section 2: Active and Passive Informations
Passive Information Gathering
Active and Passive Information Gathering in Kali Linux
Section 3: Network Scanning
Network Scanning Theory Fundamentals
Network Scanning Commands in Kali Linux
Port Forwarding and Host Visibility in Networks
Network Scanning using Nmap Netdiscover and Bettercap
Section 4: Enumeration
Enumeration fundamentals for Ethical Hackers
Basics of Enumeration using Kali Linux
Advanced Enumeration using Nmap and Kali Linux
Enumeration with Wpscan and Kali Linux
Enumeration Implementation
Section 5: Vulnerability Analysis
Vulnerability Analysis Fundamentals and Theory
Vulnerability Analysis Demonstration Including How to Check Manually
Section 6: Nessus
Basic Nessus Instalation on Windows 7
Basics of Nessus and Automated Vulnerability Scans
Nessus instalation on Kali Linux
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